A Quarter of a Century
Wow guys. It's been a couple years, hasn't it?

Still haven't let go of this little blog, although it's been ignored while life's been happening. Let me fill you in on the happenings. And believe me, it's been a whirlwind. We've moved around a bit. From Georgia to a brief stint in Pennsylvania to my birthplace in Michigan...and now we have finally settled in New York! If you would have asked me a couple years ago if I ever thought we would be living in the Empire State, I would have said "Yeah right!" But here we are.
As you can imagine, the opportunities here are plentiful, with the city only being an hour away. I probably put in about a hundred applications to a hundred different companies (not kidding). I found open positions at Bed Bath and Beyond's corporate office and thought, "Hey, why not?" and applied. Boy, am I glad I did. Now I have a cute little cubicle with my name on it.
Well, actually, I haven't seen my cubicle for a couple months now. Why, you ask?
Oh yeah, this happened. Say hello to this little slice of heaven. This little nugget entered the world in January and we haven't looked back since. And getting all this time with him has been wonderful.
Motherhood is magical, to say the least. Being directly tied to and responsible for this little helpless human is incredibly endearing. But it has its difficulties and it is easy for a mother to lose herself amidst the constant loop of feeding, diaper changing, soothing, etc. So, I've returned to this little blog, hoping to use it as a creative outlet (and hopefully have some fun along the way).
So here I am. A quarter of a century. I can't wait to see where the next twenty five lead me.
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